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South Lawn

Large Residential

Project Scope

The elevations throughout the site first become evident at the entry to the property. To mark the entry, a decorative blue stone wall was created. The stone used for the walls has been used throughout the history of the region. The stone choice, and in particular the random size and rough cleft finish help give the wall the impression that it existed at the time of the original house. Accents were added at the border and key locations within the forest to enhance the entry experience. After passing through the dense and shaded woodland, the driveway exits into an open and sunny motor court at the front of the house.  he informality of the woodland is replaced with an octagonal court surrounded by boxwood and flowering plants. Passing through the house, one reaches the south terrace. The terrace is made up of bluestone pavers and is separated into two sections. The area directly adjacent to the house is a solid paving pattern and accommodates the family’s outdoor furniture. A second area is comprised of bluestone and grass in a decorative pattern. The terrace terminates at a very open railing that allows views through to the great lawn. From the pool, one can exit to the woodland walk that follows the perimeter of the property through the natural woodlands. In addition to walking, or horseback riding, through the mature trees that were left on site, visitors move through new spaces created within the woodland. Several groupings of boulders were placed in naturalist forms to assist in stabilizing the grade change between the great lawn and the perimeter of the property. Other features within the woodland include a moss garden and stumpery. 


Westchester, NY

Project Year



Andre Baranowski
